Saturday, September 6, 2008

An Inexhaustible Power Source

None of us can turn on the TV or pick up a magazine without being bombarded with the message about living a "green" lifestyle.  In our home, we have really tried to make some changes to help conserve our resources. We have increased the temperature setting on our thermostat. While waiting on the water to warm up prior to getting in our shower, we capture the water and use it to water our plants. We wait until the dishwasher is completely full before running it. We also run it on the "short wash" cycle and leave the heated drying cycle turned off.  We wash clothes in cold water, rather than hot, and I hang almost all of my clothes up to dry.  We use cloth napkins. I am probably the "Queen of Recycling" in my neighborhood. I recycle EVERYTHING!!!

With oil prices reaching all time highs and with refineries in the Gulf threatened by storms this hurricane season, what we have taken for granted most of our lives and thought was inexhaustible, has now become very limited. This is one of the big issues in the upcoming Presidential election in November. There is lots of talk right now about alternative energy sources, i.e. solar energy, wind turbines, nuclear energy, hybrid cars, natural gas, etc. 

Have you noticed that the world tries to offer us many different "resources", too? Money, possessions, popularity, notoriety, position. But, these are all limited resources and ALL of these can disappear overnight.

I need to make a choice about what kind of energy will sustain me throughout my life. I have an unlimited source of power at my disposal --- I have God Himself, His Word and the Holy Spirit!  But, do I always "tap into" that power?  I know that there have been many times that I have run out of energy along the way in my Christian life. I have tried to "run my life" while I was basically flat on empty.

As we face a very pivotal election in our country in less than 60 days, I wonder does our country look like a people depending on God for the supply of energy that we need to meet our needs? What about in our marriages? Our homes? 

We need to "fill up" with God's energy! God's energy NEVER runs out!  If we know Christ, then God's energy lives in us by His Spirit!

David Jeremiah puts it this way,"Living on the basis of God's Word is like driving a car with the gas gauge that constantly registers FULL regardless of how far you drive."  Isn't that what we would all love to have?

We are searching everywhere for various energy sources, but the truth is, there is only ONE source we need and it is an inexhaustible source! I need to be living my life on the basis of God's Word!  I need to tap into His power!!

Ephesians 5:18 "But be ye filled with the Spirit."


Kristen said...

I love how you tie the everyday things we face into something we can learn from. I think that's exactly what God desires for us to do - to make our circumstances centered around Him! Thanks for this! I will definintely be praying hard for our next president. I know I wouldn't want the job, but God does have the perfect person in mind.

Hollie said...

Mimi I love your posts...they always get me thinking. I'm guilty of running flat on empty myself and still trying to run my own life, when all I need is God. Your posts tend to help me look where I should have been looking all along.

Melissa said...

Praise the Lord He is inexhaustible! I definitely AM exhausted these days with school, and working a little, and 1st grade homework!! Oh my! I already wrote the teacher a note to say that I am failing first grade!! My little one is hanging in there.. it's ME that I am worried about!

Julie said...

I'm so thankful God never runs out and He is so dependable when I am not. Your post was a great way to look at something our culture focuses so much on and turn it into examining our spiritual lives. Thank you for teaching me!!

JMBMOMMY said...

Loved this! Yes! He is the one Resource that never runs out--He never grows weary, never sleeps! Learning to live dependent has been my journey this year--it has been one with new freedom!

Faith said...

Amen! I want to be filled to the full with Him and His power. I can do NOTHING apart from Him, but with Him ALL things are possible! Why do I still try to do things on my own???