After reading
this post prior to the beginning of the year, I committed, along with many of you, to memorize 2 verses (or passages) of Scripture each month for the entire year of 2009.
My verse for February 15th marks the
fourth verse for this year!
The verse that God has impressed upon me to memorize and meditate on during this last half of February is:
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31 (King James Version)
Like most of ya'll, I have heard this verse most of my life, but God brought this verse to life for me this week in my Esther Bible study. Instead of just hearing the verse, I heard His voice!
WHEN does this verse say that our strength will be renewed?
When we "wait upon the Lord"!
How many times have I been waiting on a "thing", or on a person, or an event -- rather than waiting on the LORD! As Beth Moore so clearly brought out in this week's lesson, our strength will be depleted when we are waiting on ANYTHING other than the Lord!
My strength will be depleted when I am waiting on the person, the event or some "thing" to happen.
My strength will ONLY be renewed if I am waiting on HIM!!
Father, we live in a world that is constantly telling us that we don't have to WAIT - that we can have everything "instantly". We have self-checkout lines so we don't have to wait. We have fast food restaurants, some of which have 2 drive-thru lines so we don't have to WAIT. We have DSL and if that's not fast enough then we have even faster high-speed DSL. We have remote starts on our cars, so we don't have to WAIT on the car to warm up when we get in it. I confess to you, Lord, that waiting is very difficult and sometimes exhausting.
Help me to trust you, Lord, that while I am WAITING, it does not mean that you are inactive! You are working behind the scenes to bring about something very exciting - when the time is right! Teach me to wait upon you, Lord, and during this process, You promise that my strength will be renewed.