Sunday, August 21, 2011

Let's Pick Up Where We Left Off..

Where has the time gone?  I cannot believe that the last time I posted was on May 18th!!  And to think, I had such high expectations on that date, that I was jumping back into the blogging that I love so much. we are some 3 months let's just pick up where we left off.  When I last posted, I was just beginning my new "position" at my part-time job in the restaurant where I had previously been working as a Hostess. To say that I was a little fearful and apprehensive about the prospect of waiting tables for the first time in my life, would have been an understatement!  I think that most people have waited tables at some time in their lives, but I never had.  I began working part-time in a dental office when I was 15 years old and never had the opportunity to wait tables. age 54 (Yikes!)...I waited on my first guests in a fine dining restaurant!  And, I am here to tell you that I absolutely LOVE it!

I have known for some time that my "love language" is "Acts of Service", so this is "right up my alley".  There are so many things to remember and I am still learning how to think ahead and know what my guests are going to need before they even need it, but I truly love taking care of them. I love seeing people have a wonderful dining experience, and I really take pride in offering them the best time service I possibly can. I am currently averaging about 23% in tips, so I am thankful to God for providing me with this opportunity and helping me to learn all that I have to learn. I can do ALL things through Christ!

On another happy note, we have a new addition to our family.  For some time now, I have wanted a little "lap dog" a house filled with 2 big dogs and a 13 pound Ragdoll cat!

So, without further ado...

I am pleased to introduce to you, Isabella, who we affectionately call, "Izzie".

"Izzie" is a Bolognese puppy and currently weighs about 7 1/2 lbs.  The vet expects that she will probably weigh about 10 lbs. when full grown, so she is the perfect addition to our pet family. When I found her through a friend on FaceBook, I knew absolutely nothing about this breed, but only that she was a "lap dog" as I had wanted for sometime AND she was adorable!  I drove 4 hrs. (round trip) on the Friday before Memorial Day in a terrible storm, and as soon as I saw her, I knew she was mine!

Bolognese are of the Bichon type and have a single coat which flows in loose ringlets; sort of woolly, rather than silky.  They are not to be trimmed or clipped.  They are very intelligent and have a very keen sense of hearing. (The girl can hear a pin drop in the house next door, but thankfully, she is NOT a "yapper"!

After researching more about this breed, I learned that they were bred in Italy to be companion dogs --- and companion dog she is!  They are known for forming a close bond with their owners.  She is in the middle of everything and is clearly the boss of EVERYONE in the house.

Thus, the name "Izzy-Busy-Body" that we have nicknamed her!

Another reason for wanting a new puppy was that my Boxer, Champ, is now almost 11 years old and is starting to "slow down" a little.  The vet said that it would be good for Champ to have another dog around - that it would help to keep him young.

I think she was exactly right, but I'll let you decide for yourself....