Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Best Son-in-Law Ever!!

For any of you that know me and know my family, you may have recognized that I had one glaring omission in my "opening post". I failed to mention that, not only do I have 3 beautiful children, but I also have one AWESOME son-in-law!  That's because I wanted to devote an entire blog entry to him!  

From the time that they started dating, our family fell in love with Chad.  

On December 9, 2000, our daughter, Faith, married her best friend  and I could not have special ordered a more perfect husband for her, or son-in-law for me! There is no doubt in my mind that Chad is the one that Faith's dad and I had prayed for all those years.

Since I first met Chad, I have watched God work in his life and I have watched him mature into such a godly man who is a wonderful husband, brother, son, son-in-law, "Bubba" and a great friend to many people.  He knows God's Word and is not afraid to share it wherever he goes. 

One of the things I love most about Chad is his awesome sense of humor!  He is one of the funniest people I know!  And...the boy loves to play some games...i.e. American Idol, Guitar Hero, etc. 

He is also the best "Bubba" ever!

I am proud to call him my "son"!

I love you, Chad!

Thursday, May 29, 2008


What started out as simply trying to create a Google account so that I could leave a comment on my daughter's blog, has now evolved into me creating a Blog of my own.  Mind you, that I have NO idea what I am doing!

I have enjoyed reading my daughter's blog, (and many others that she has recommended on her blog) so I have decided to join this bandwagon.  It seems that there are some really wonderful ladies out there in "blogland" and I am looking forward to developing friendships with some of them.

I am an avid photographer and if you are a friend or family member of mine, or if you ever take a trip with me --- you WILL be having your picture made!  I decided that this would be a great way to "journal" about those that I love the most - my precious family.

I am married to my best friend and I have 3 beautiful children, all of which I am fortunate to have live very near me.  I have a granddaughter, "E", who gets to spend lots of time with Mimi and Poppa so I am sure that you will be seeing lots of her on here! (Unfortunately, my other granddaughter, "M", lives in FL -- which is MUCH too far away!)

I have no idea whether I have anything to say that would be of any value to anyone else, but I would hope that having  been married for 30 years and raising 3 children would definitely have taught me some valuable lessons in life.  I know that the Lord sometimes allows us to go through things in life so that we can be a help to someone else going through similar things.  I pray that the life lessons He has taught me, and IS teaching me, will be an encouragement to others.

Thank you for stopping by my blog and please come back!